School Bright digital school management system It helps schools efficiently manage various tasks, and one clear benefit of School Bright is that it reduces the workload for teachers, allowing them more time for lesson planning.
How can School Bright help teachers save time?
School Bright has various systems that help teachers save time in their work, such as :
Attendance checking system Helps teachers save time in student attendance checking. Students can check in by themselves using facial recognition or student ID cards. Teachers can also easily check attendance through the application, reducing the time spent on this task.
The academic performance recording system Helps teachers save time in recording academic results. Teachers can record scores on the system instantly without the need to spend time manually jotting down scores on paper, reducing errors that may occur from paper-based recording. It is convenient, efficient, and modern.
The student behavior tracking system Helps reduce time in recording student behavior. Teachers can record student behavior instantly through the School Bright application without having to manually record or input data on paper, allowing teachers to save time in documenting student behavior.

Benefits that teachers will gain from having more time for lesson planning
Having more time for lesson planning enables teachers to plan lessons more efficiently. Teachers can use this time to review the curriculum, analyze students' needs, and design learning activities that align with students' requirements. Additionally, teachers can dedicate time to preparing teaching materials and various learning tools adequately. This helps ensure that the teaching and learning process runs smoothly and becomes more effective.
School Bright is a digital school management system It helps reduce the workload for teachers, enabling schools to efficiently manage various tasks. Additionally, it assists teachers in saving time on their work and allows them to better plan their teaching activities. This, in turn, contributes to improving the quality of education, making classrooms more engaging and less monotonous.