Phalitpanya Kindergarten School in Bangkok is a private kindergarten that has recently adopted School Bright school management system in the academic year 2024. The school serves approximately 33 students per academic year and has 16 staff members. School Bright is utilized for various administrative tasks, including student registration, online student admissions, kindergarten management, leave management, student attendance via the mobile application, accounting system, and many other features.
At the parent meeting organized by Phalitpanya Kindergarten School for the academic year 2024, the School Bright team was honored to present the benefits and usage of the School Bright school management application to parents on May 12, 2024. The session aimed to ensure that teachers, students, and parents can conveniently and efficiently use the School Bright application, maximizing its potential to meet the needs of digital-age education.
Parent Meeting Highlights at Phalitpanya Kindergarten School, Bangkok