Triam Udom Nomklao School, Nonthaburi Province, is a government school that recently implemented the School Bright school management system in the academic year 2024. The school serves approximately 1,198 students each academic year, with over 80 staff members. The School Bright system is utilized for various aspects of school administration, including :
- Student Registry System This system stores comprehensive student and staff information, including student profiles, photographs, educational records, parent information, and health data. All data can be exported as files, making it highly suitable for schools in the digital era.
- Digital Canteen System A digital canteen and school shop system utilizing Smart Canteen devices, enhancing convenience and efficiency for both students and staff. Payments can be made via QR code, student ID cards, mobile applications, and PromptPay QR codes through the banking system. This system promotes a cashless society within the school canteen, making transactions faster and more convenient.
- Cooperative System Simplifies the buying and selling process, making it easier, faster, and more convenient. Students no longer need to wait for change, as they can purchase products directly using their student ID cards or the School Bright application.
- Top-Up System Students and parents can top up funds online via the application or directly at the school. Online top-ups can be made anytime, anywhere, with support for all banks, making the process highly convenient and accessible.
Training session atmosphere on the use of the school management system for Triam Udom Nomklao School, Nonthaburi.