Thepmitr Suksa School, located in Surat Thani province, is a private school that has been using the School Bright system for a long time, starting from the academic year 2563. Approximately 4,500 students use various aspects of the School Bright system for school management, including:
Attendance tracking for both students and staff, as well as school registration.
Academic management, which includes curriculum planning, class schedules, examination systems, grade recording, and document management.
Student affairs management, covering leave requests, behavior grading, and home visitation.
Accounting and financial systems, encompassing tuition fees, income and expense accounting, and financial reporting.
Digital cafeteria and cooperative store systems, which handle activities like topping up accounts and in-school purchases in both the cafeteria and cooperative store.
And many other systems.
This comprehensive use of the School Bright system helps Thepmitr Suksa School effectively manage various aspects of its operations.
Examples of Using Top-Up Kiosk Machine
Examples of Using Digital Canteen System
Examples of Using Cooperative Store System